Tuesday, 30 June 2009

end of tourrrrrrrr

It's Canada day tomorrow..fireworks are being let off and we're in Winnipeg recouperating from our North American tour which has just finished, after 80 shows since feb...it seems very alien to see only 2 shows remaining on our myspace shedule!
So, Copenhagen tomorrow, then our first show in Auckland all year on july 25th (its all ages too!)..going to be so good to be home. After being on tour for the last 2-3 years, we're relishing the idea of having a home, relaxing, eating properly, and of course writing and recording album #2
We have a new addition to the family, Djeisan Suskov (cool rainbows) who ive been writing with lately, will be with us from the Auckland show...so we're now a 5 piece...
alright thats all for now